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- Community Participation in a Government-assisted Traditional...
Community Participation in a Government-assisted Traditional Irrigation System in Tanjung Kurung, Kota Agung, Lahat, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Thesis Abstract:
Generally, the study sought to determine the extent of the government's assistance to farmers' participation in the maintenance and repair of the irrigation system, particularly the traditional irrigation. It was conducted at Tajung, Kurung, a village in Kota Agung, Lahat District, South Sumatera, about 300 km from Palembang, Indonesia. In 1993, the village's population totalled 462, who were distributed among 94 households. All the villagers were Moslems.
Out of 94 farmer-cooperators, 30 fanners were randomly selected as respondents of the study. Findings showed that income, family size, water need, and attitude have positive effect on community participation.
There was a positive correlation between government-assisted traditional irrigation system and community participation.
The study found that the strengths of the project included the following: 1) the government was able to save money because it only provided materials for the project; 2) it motivated the community to work together; 3) the community acquired some knowledge about the project; and 4) a sense of community belonging was developed via the traditional irrigation because the respondents were deeply involved since the beginning of the project. The weaknesses of the project were: 1) the process entailed too much time because before the program was carried out, the government had to send a community organizer to find out the problems in the village and the location of the project; and 2) the canal's form was not good enough because the villagers did not have the required expertise to construct it although it sti II became very usefu I to the farmer-cooperators' farming activities.