During the Hooding and Recognition Ceremonies of the UPLB Graduate School held last 21 June, Mr. Gerald M. Salas was among the recipients of the Academic Achievement award for PhD graduates. He was also recognized by the School of Environmental Science and Management (SESAM) as their Top 1 PhD Environmental Science graduate.
At the College of Public Affairs and Development (CPAf), Ms. Imelda Grace Siregar, an Indonesian PhD Agricultural Education graduate, received the Academic Achievement Award for garnering the highest General Weighted Average (GWA) among CPAf graduates. Also from CPAf, PhD Development Studies graduate, Ms. Karen Joyce G. Cayamanda garnered the Best PhD Dissertation award.
Ms. Miko Mariz. C. Castro, MS in Agricultural Economics graduate at the College of Economics and Management (CEM), received the Best MS Thesis Award during the college testimonial held on 20 June.
SEARCA also recognized Ms. Deasy Fitriati, PhD in Agricultural Engineering graduate, for completing her PhD degree in two and a half years. Ms. Fitriati finished her MS degree from Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) and her PhD Degree from UPLB, both under the SEARCA scholarship program.
Mr. Salas, Ms. Siregar and Ms. Cayamanda are SEARCA scholars under the PhD Research scholarship program while Ms. Castro and Ms. Fitriati are under the scholarship funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).