The ASRF is a flexible funding mechanism intended to enable AMS Focal Points to quickly respond to emerging issues and challenges and articulate policy recommendations and directions on social forestry as it relates to climate change, food security, and poverty alleviation. SEARCA is the implementing partner of the ASRF, which is one of the new initiatives of the ASEAN-Swiss Partnership on Social Forestry (ASFCC) – Phase II with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
To make the facility more responsive to the needs of its main recipients and to establish rapport among the ASFN Leaders and Focal Points, the SEARCA Team hosted a Welcome Dinner on 2 June 2014. The ASFN Leaders and Focal Points were treated to a brief video on the activities and meetings of the ASRF.
The Program Steering Committee Meeting (PSC), held within the auspices of the 9th Annual Meeting, discussed the future plans of the ASRF. Feedback was also provided by the PSC on how the facility can be improved.
In the 6th ASFN Conference, the SEARCA Team handled the breakout session “ASEAN Vision 2020 for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (FAF) and Social Forestry”, which was tasked to discuss how Social Forestry can be implemented to contribute more effectively to this Vision. Outputs from this breakout session formed part of the Conference Recommendations.
The SEARCA Team composed of Dr. Bessie M. Burgos, Ms. Carmen Nyhria Rogel, and Ms. Amy Lecciones joined the field visits at Inle Lake and the nearby communities to experience local culture and observe conservation practices. SEARCA also disseminated knowledge products during the Knowledge Fair at the ASFN Conference.