One of the ADNs focuses on transformative approaches to strengthen resilience and equity by Dr. Ranjitha Puskur, Senior Policy Advisor for CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agriculture Systems at Worldfish. It discusses several factors that affect agriculture and food security in Southeast Asia such as hidden hunger, climate change, rising inequality between the rich and poor, and gender issues.
The next learning note features water resources management practices in Asia such as water financing, integrated water resources management, participatory irrigation management, and other. It is based on the study of Dr. Randolph Barker, Professor Emeritus at Cornell University.
The third ADN, entitled “Perennialization of Upland Agriculture,” explains the advantages of using perennial crops as substitutes to annual or traditional food and feed crops. This strategy was presented by Mr. Craig B. Jamieson who is a Biomass Consultant at the World Agroforestry Centre.
All of the learning notes are already available online and downloadable for free. (Malaya N. Montesur)