Engr. Marisa J. Sobremisana of the UPLB School of Environmental Science and Management, UPLB, served as technical expert, and Mr. Henry M. Custodio of SEARCA facilitated the event.
The farmers asked questions and consulted the experts about their personal experiences relative to the El Niňo Phenomenon, including some clarifications on the traditional agriculture myths and indigenous knowledge on various weather disturbances vis-à-vis farming and agro-ecological landscape environment. The participants, as well as agricultural technologists of the LGU were enlightened by helpful tips and suggestions provided by the experts. Topics included sustainable, organic and ecological agriculture and drought.
Part of the purpose of the seminar was to suggest coping mechanisms that will help lessen the negative impacts of El Niňo in the livelihood of farmers for the months to come, and this seminar is the initial part of the ISARD Capacity Building Activity on Climate Change Adaptation. (Angelic Reglos and Henry Custodio)