The conference topics provided a broader perspective about Food Ethics issues and how, in modest but positive ways, the S+HGP is contributing to it. The APSafe conference offered various ideas to further strengthen and sustain the scaling up process that the S+HGP has initiated. Food ethics presentations and discussions were related to crop production and climate, food and agricultural education, sustainable seafood, agri-food research, animal welfare, ethnic groups and food cultures, gender and food, indigenous people's food sovereignty, land ethics, living philosophy, food risk analysis, food safety risk prevention, food security education, plant variety protection, multi-functionality in agriculture and price premiums for environment-friendly agricultural products.
Acknowledgment is given to SEARCA for providing the Travel Grant to enable participation in the conference. Gratitude is also due to Mr. Shunnan Chiang, SEARCA Visiting Research Fellow, for arrangements of the pre- and post-conference activities. The visit to an organic farm, agri expo, farmers market, supermarkets and vegetarian restaurants provided fresh ideas on how organic agriculture and food-related programs in the Philippines can be improved. (Blesilda M. Calub)