Dr. Gregorio (second from left), SEARCA Director, Mr. Joselito G. Florendo (second from right), SEARCA Deputy Director for Administration, Dr. Romeo V. Labios (leftmost), Operations Consultant for Partnerships, and Mr. Benedict A. Juliano, Unit Head, Applied Knowledge Resources Unit (AKRU), pose for a photo with Dr. Novy R. Clores, Director of Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT)-Cawayan Campus.
Dr. Novy R. Clores, Director of Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology (DEBESMSCAT)-Cawayan Campus, visited the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) on 4 April 2022 to explore areas for partnership on research, education, and innovation.
She was received by Dr. Glenn B. Gregorio, SEARCA Director, Mr. Joselito G. Florendo, SEARCA Deputy Director for Administration, Dr. Romeo V. Labios, Operations Consultant for Partnerships, and Mr. Benedict A. Juliano, Unit Head, Applied Knowledge Resources Unit (AKRU).
Dr. Clores holds another publication that SEARCA wishes to donate to DEBESMSCAT as presented to her by Mr. Juliano. Also in the photo are Dr. Labios (rightmost), Ms. Mina G. Talata (leftmost), Library and Archives Associate, and Ms. Arlene A. Nadres (second from left), Support Staff, both from AKRU.
During the courtesy visit, Mr. Juliano presented to her SEARCA’s 15th Annual Photo Contest winners and finalists on full display in the SEARCA HQ lobby. Dr. Clores also visited the SEARCA Library that contains a collection specializing on Asian publications in agriculture and rural development. It also includes master’s theses and PhD dissertations of all SEARCA scholars.
DEBESMSCAT-Cawayan is the first recipient of SEARCA’s initiative to donate its publications to selected agricultural colleges and universities across all SEAMEO member countries, starting with the Philippines. Sixteen other local state colleges and universities besides DEBESMSCAT have received their donated SEARCA publications with plans to expand to Lao PDR and Myanmar by mid-2022. The donated SEARCA publications include copies of its internationally refereed Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development (AJAD), books and monographs, as well as policy papers and briefs.
Dr. Clores engages in an interactive online game (AGRINNOVATE) of the SHARING facility journey taught to her by Ms. Lichelle Dara E. Carlos, Program Specialist, Emerging Innovation for Growth Department.
Dr. Clores then visited the SEARCA Hub for Agriculture and Rural Innovation for the Next Generation (SHARING) center and the SEARCA iCREATE facility, both of which are designed to provide a memorable educational experience and hands-on learning of dynamic navigation and exploration of smarter agriculture.
The Masbate-based college also has campuses located in Mandaon and Cabitan. It aspires to hone graduates with innovating thinking in the fields of agriculture, environmental sciences, educational leadership, and engineering.
Last February 2021, SEARCA signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with DEBESMSCAT. Dr. Gregorio and Dr. Renee A. Lamella, DEBESMSCAT President, signed the agreement with Mr. Florendo and Dr. Cynthia L. Dimayuga, DEBESMSCAT Vice President for Academic Affairs, as witnesses.