The Mission was received by officials of the MOECAF led by Dr. Nyi Nyi Kyaw, Director General of Forest Department and Dr U Tin Tun, Director General of Planning and Statistics Department. During the Courtesy Call, Dr. U Tin Tun described the efforts made by Myanmar Government to accommodate the experience and knowledge from local people in adaptation to climate change, including from the long history of social forestry in the country. Dr. Nyi Nyi Kaw expressed his gratitude to the support extended by ASFN for Myanmar in social forestry development. He also emphasized that Myanmar is proud to host the ASFN Conference and Meeting and will do their best to support the upcoming events.
Important matters discussed during the meeting included the tentative dates of the ASFN Conference and Meeting, possible Conference theme and sub-themes, potential venues and areas for field visits, and the formation of an ASFN Working Group of Myanmar with its organizing Committees. A work plan was drafted to guide the preparation and tasking for both events highlighting action points that have to be accomplished before the ASFCC Planning Meeting in 8-12 November 2014.
ASFCC Delegates consisted of ASFCC Advisor Dr. Doris Capistrano, ASFN Secretariat Head Ms. Sagita Arhidani, and ASFCC Supporting Partners including CIFOR, ICRAF, NTFP-EP, RECOFTC, and SEARCA. The Supporting Partners were given a chance to deliver presentations introducing their role in the partnership and its linkages with Myanmar. Ms. Amy Lecciones, Regional Program Coordinator of the ASRF represented SEARCA in the meeting and presented updates on the ASRF. She invited Myanmar to avail of the facility including the project preparation grant for the Second Call. She also announced that the Guidelines for the Second Call for Proposals will be available at the SEARCA website by 03 October 2014. The deadline for the submission of proposals for the Second Call is on 15 December 2014. (Amy M. Lecciones)